
  • ship

    英:[ʃɪp]   美: [ʃɪp] 

    ship 基本解释

    名词船; <口>宇宙飞船; (舰船上的)全体船员; 运气


    及物动词把…装上船; 装好(船具); 上市; 使乘船

    不及物动词在船上工作; 乘船旅行; 当船员

    ship 相关词组

    1. when one's ship comes home : 当愿望实现时;

    2. take ship : 乘船;

    3. ship over : 重新进海军服役;

    4. ship off : 遣送;

    ship 相关例句


    1. ship

    1. The goods were shipped to the island last week.

    2. The coal will be shipped by rail.


    3. Did he ship it by express or by freight?


    1. We are shipping for Hong Kong.


    1. They crossed the Pacific by ship.

    ship 网络解释

    1. 轮船:ownership 所有权 所有制 轮船(ship)的物主(owner)有所有权. parcel 包裹 怕(pa)人厕(rce)还提一袋包裹. partner 伙伴,搭挡,配偶 部分(part)门儿(ner)有搭挡. pause 中止;暂停怕(pa)在使用(use)中突然暂停pavement (英)人行道 门徒(ment)在铺设(pave)人行道peach 桃子,

    2. 装运:什么语言说,装运(ship)用卡车,而送货用船只(ship)?有能跑的鼻子和能闻味的脚吗?英语是人而不是计算机所创造的,它反映了人类(human race)的创造性(当然,这里race压根儿不是赛跑).这就是为什么当星星out时能看见星星,

    1. 大船;轮船;舰
        A ship is a large boat which carries passengers or cargo.

        e.g. Within ninety minutes the ship was ready for departure...
        e.g. We went by ship over to America.

    2. 运送;运输;船运
        If people or things are shipped somewhere, they are sent there on a ship or by some other means of transport.

        e.g. Food is being shipped to drought-stricken Southern Africa.

    3. see also: shipping

    相关词组:ship out


    1. 大船;轮船;舰
        A ship is a large boat which carries passengers or cargo.

        e.g. Within ninety minutes the ship was ready for departure...
        e.g. We went by ship over to America.

    2. 运送;运输;船运
        If people or things are shipped somewhere, they are sent there on a ship or by some other means of transport.

        e.g. Food is being shipped to drought-stricken Southern Africa.

    3. see also: shipping

    相关词组:ship out

    ship 情景对话


    A:How many would you like to order ?

    B:Is there a minimum order ?


    A:No ,we can ship in lots of any size .

    B:We‘ll try one case of this .

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