
  • shortcoming

    英:[ˈʃɔ:tkʌmɪŋ]   美: [ˈʃɔ:rtkʌmɪŋ] 

    shortcoming 基本解释


    shortcoming 相关例句


    1. shortcoming的意思

    1. He has made up his mind to overcome his shortcomings.

    2. Rudeness is his chief shortcoming.

    shortcoming 网络解释

    1. 缺点:对于某人是'谁'的展示――它是与某人是'什么'相对立的,后者包括人的本性(quality)、天赋(gift)、才能(talent)、缺点(shortcoming)等等,他可以把它们展示出来,也可以隐藏起来――内在于人的说和作的每件事情之中.

    2. 缺乏;短处:scratch 刮痕 | shortcoming 缺乏;短处 | sign 征候

    3. shortcoming

    3. 短处:Short Tests of Clerical Ability 文书能力短测验 | shortcoming 短处 | shortcut 捷径

    4. 缺少:shortagedamage report 损差报表 | shortcoming 缺少 | shortcut channel 捷径航道

    1. 缺点;短处
        Someone's or something's shortcomings are the faults or weaknesses which they have.

        e.g. Marriages usually break down as a result of the shortcomings of both partners...
        e.g. His book has its shortcomings.


    1. 缺点;短处
        Someone's or something's shortcomings are the faults or weaknesses which they have.

        e.g. Marriages usually break down as a result of the shortcomings of both partners...
        e.g. His book has its shortcomings.

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