
  • shorthand

    英:[ˈʃɔ:thænd]   美: [ˈʃɔ:rthænd] 

    shorthand 基本解释

    名词速记,速记法; 速记记录文字


    shorthand 相关例句


    1. shorthand的翻译

    1. I have to translate these shorthand notes into longhand.



    1. He took the notes in shorthand.

    shorthand 网络解释

    1. 速记:就听力而言,考生要掌握正确的语音、语调,养成短时记忆和速记(shorthand)的习惯. 有条件的同学可以经常收听BBC、VOA、CRI等电台的新闻广播,观看CCTV-9的电视节目,有意收集、熟悉时事热点. 务必保证每天都有听的内容和感觉. 就听力而言,

    2. 速记,速记法:15.secretary 秘书 | 16.shorthand 速记,速记法 | 17.stapler 订书机

    3. shorthand在线翻译

    3. 词组简码输入:shortcut reference 快捷方式参照 | shorthand 词组简码输入 | shouting 大叫

    4. 速寫, 縮寫:format 格式化 | shorthand 速寫, 縮寫 | markup 增值, 外加

    1. 速记;速记法
        Shorthand is a quick way of writing and uses signs to represent words or syllables. Shorthand is used by secretaries and journalists to write down what someone is saying.

        e.g. Ben took notes in shorthand.

    2. (对某事)简略的表达方式
        You can use shorthand to mean a quick or simple way of referring to something.

        e.g. 'Third World' is an abstraction, a form of shorthand...
        e.g. The fiction that 'he' is a neutral shorthand for 'he or she' is no longer acceptable to many.


    1. 速记;速记法
        Shorthand is a quick way of writing and uses signs to represent words or syllables. Shorthand is used by secretaries and journalists to write down what someone is saying.

        e.g. Ben took notes in shorthand.

    2. (对某事)简略的表达方式
        You can use shorthand to mean a quick or simple way of referring to something.

        e.g. 'Third World' is an abstraction, a form of shorthand...
        e.g. The fiction that 'he' is a neutral shorthand for 'he or she' is no longer acceptable to many.

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