
  • swimmer

    英:[ˈswɪmə(r)]   美: [ˈswɪmər] 

    swimmer 基本解释



    swimmer 相关例句


    1. Is he a good swimmer?

    swimmer 网络解释

    1. 浮子:swelling capacity of coal 煤的膨润度 | swimmer 浮子 | swing 摇动

    2. 游泳运动员:fortune-teller 占卜者,算命先生 | swimmer 游泳运动员 | snake-charmer 弄蛇者

    3. 游泳选手:蹼泳 fin swimming | 游泳选手 swimmer | 分组预赛 heat

    1. 游泳运动员;游泳爱好者;游泳者
        A swimmer is a person who swims, especially for sport or pleasure, or a person who is swimming.

        e.g. You don't have to worry about me. I'm a good swimmer...
        e.g. She wants to become an Olympic swimmer...


    1. 游泳运动员;游泳爱好者;游泳者
        A swimmer is a person who swims, especially for sport or pleasure, or a person who is swimming.

        e.g. You don't have to worry about me. I'm a good swimmer...
        e.g. She wants to become an Olympic swimmer...

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