
  • unaware

    英:[ˌʌnəˈweə(r)]   美: [ˌʌnəˈwer] 

    unaware 基本解释

    unaware 同义词


    同义词: ignorantunconscious

    unaware 相关例句


    1. He was unaware of the danger.

    2. She was unaware that you were coming.

    3. He was unaware that I was present.

    unaware 网络解释

    1. 没有意识:学校当局(school authority)经常拒绝面对这样的问题:政府(government)控制药品滥用部门 (drug-abuseagency)的工作做得太少,没有告知(inform)公众(public)药品滥用这一问题;许多医生 (physician)在给青少年做体检时似乎仍然没有意识(unaware)到这个问题.

    2. 不知道:该模型描述了用户对新产品从不知道( Unaware )到知道( Aware ),到试用该产品( Trail ),最后到重复购买和使用( Repeat )的过程. 因此,使用该模型预测新产品销售情况的关键在于估计用户由知道该产品到试用该产品的概率和有试用到重复购买和使用的概率.

    3. 不知道的:unavoidable cause 不可避免的原因 | unaware 不知道的 | unaware need 莫名需求

    4. 不知道的,无察觉的:brief 简短的,短暂的,暂时的 | unaware 不知道的,无察觉的 | component 部件

    1. 不知道的;不晓得的;未注意到的
        If you are unaware of something, you do not know about it.

        e.g. Many people are unaware of just how much food and drink they consume...
        e.g. She was unaware that she was being filmed.


    1. 不知道的;不晓得的;未注意到的
        If you are unaware of something, you do not know about it.

        e.g. Many people are unaware of just how much food and drink they consume...
        e.g. She was unaware that she was being filmed.

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