
  • uncover

    英:[ʌnˈkʌvə(r)]   美: [ʌnˈkʌvɚ] 

    uncover 基本解释


    同义词: discloseexposeopenreveal

    uncover 相关例句


    1. He uncovered the dish and showed us the food.

    2. uncover的反义词

    2. By a sudden movement we uncovered the enemy's right flank.

    3. The police have uncovered a plot to assassinate the President.

    4. The police have uncovered a plot.

    5. uncover的解释

    5. The police uncovered a plan to steal some money.

    uncover 网络解释

    1. 揭开...的盖子:18.unconscious不省人事的 | 19.uncover揭开. . . 的盖子 | 20.X-ray X射线

    2. uncover

    2. 揭露,发现:disclose 揭发,泄露 | uncover 揭露,发现 | unfold 揭露,打开,展开

    3. uncover的意思

    3. 揭开:uncouth 粗俗的 | uncover 揭开 | uncovered 无盖的

    1. 揭露,发现(隐秘之事)
        If you uncover something, especially something that has been kept secret, you discover or find out about it.

        e.g. Auditors said they had uncovered evidence of fraud...
        e.g. A specific plot to kill him was uncovered in the past couple of weeks.

    2. 发现,发掘(地下埋藏之物)
        When people who are digging somewhere uncover something, they find a thing or a place that has been under the ground for a long time.

        e.g. Archaeologists have uncovered an 11,700-year-old hunting camp in Alaska.

    3. 揭开…的盖子;除去…上的覆盖物
        To uncover something means to remove something that is covering it.

        e.g. When the seedlings sprout, uncover the tray.


    1. 揭露,发现(隐秘之事)
        If you uncover something, especially something that has been kept secret, you discover or find out about it.

        e.g. Auditors said they had uncovered evidence of fraud...
        e.g. A specific plot to kill him was uncovered in the past couple of weeks.

    2. 发现,发掘(地下埋藏之物)
        When people who are digging somewhere uncover something, they find a thing or a place that has been under the ground for a long time.

        e.g. Archaeologists have uncovered an 11,700-year-old hunting camp in Alaska.

    3. 揭开…的盖子;除去…上的覆盖物
        To uncover something means to remove something that is covering it.

        e.g. When the seedlings sprout, uncover the tray.

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