
  • undergo

    英:[ˌʌndəˈgəʊ]   美: [ˌʌndərˈgoʊ] 

    undergo 基本解释

    及物动词经历,经验; 遭受,承受

    undergo 相关例句


    1. All the freshmen will undergo a physical examination.

    2. You may have to undergo disappointment and failure before experiencing success.

    undergo 网络解释

    1. undergo

    1. 经受:物体(body)经受(undergo)简谐运动(simple harmonic motion)的周期(period),是为使它作一完整振荡(oscillation)所需的时间. 对弹簧(spring)而言,周期就是弹簧在从其最大的伸长(extension),通过其最大的压缩(compression)并再一次回到其最大伸长过程中所用的时间.

    2. 经历,遭受:spectacles 眼镜 undertake 承担,许诺 | undergo 经历,遭受 | underscore 强调

    3. undergo在线翻译

    3. 经历:undergeneralization 词义缩小 | undergo 经历 | undergraduate 大学生

    1. 经历;接受;遭受;忍受
        If you undergo something necessary or unpleasant, it happens to you.

        e.g. New recruits have been undergoing training in recent weeks...
        e.g. He underwent an agonising 48-hour wait for the results of tests.


    1. 经历;接受;遭受;忍受
        If you undergo something necessary or unpleasant, it happens to you.

        e.g. New recruits have been undergoing training in recent weeks...
        e.g. He underwent an agonising 48-hour wait for the results of tests.

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