
  • underneath

    英:[ˌʌndəˈni:θ]   美: [ˌʌndərˈni:θ] 

    underneath 基本解释

    形容词下面的; 较低的

    副词在下面,在底下; 在下面,在下层

    介词在下面; 在…之下; 在…下面; 在…领导或控制下


    underneath 相关例句


    2. I seem confident, but underneath it all I'm terribly nervous.

    3. The people living underneath the tyranny rose in open revolt.

    underneath 网络解释

    1. 在下面:pull-up jumper 拉杆投篮 | underneath 在...下面 | fire a towel 扔毛巾

    2. 下部:undermodulated 调制不足的 | underneath 下部 | underpan 底盘

    3. 心魔:9x-08 信任危机 Trust No 1 | 9x-09 心魔 Underneath | 9x-10 天命(上) Provenance

    4. 在...下面,在下面,在底下:undermine 暗中破坏,逐渐削弱;侵蚀..的基础 | underneath 在...下面,在下面,在底下 | understanding 理解,理解力;通情达理的

    1. 在…下面;在…底下
        If one thing is underneath another, it is directly under it, and may be covered or hidden by it.

        e.g. The device exploded underneath a van.
        e.g. ...using dogs to locate people trapped underneath collapsed buildings.

    2. 在下表面;在底面
        The part of something which is underneath is the part which normally touches the ground or faces towards the ground.

        e.g. Check the actual construction of the chair by looking underneath...
        e.g. The sand martin is a brown bird with white underneath...

    3. 在内心深处;心底里
        You use underneath when talking about feelings and emotions that people do not show in their behaviour.


        e.g. He was as violent as Nick underneath...
        e.g. Underneath, Sofia was deeply committed to her husband.


    1. 在…下面;在…底下
        If one thing is underneath another, it is directly under it, and may be covered or hidden by it.

        e.g. The device exploded underneath a van.
        e.g. ...using dogs to locate people trapped underneath collapsed buildings.

    2. 在下表面;在底面
        The part of something which is underneath is the part which normally touches the ground or faces towards the ground.

        e.g. Check the actual construction of the chair by looking underneath...
        e.g. The sand martin is a brown bird with white underneath...

    3. 在内心深处;心底里
        You use underneath when talking about feelings and emotions that people do not show in their behaviour.


        e.g. He was as violent as Nick underneath...
        e.g. Underneath, Sofia was deeply committed to her husband.

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