
  • unlucky

    英:[ʌnˈlʌki]   美: [ʌnˈlʌki] 

    unlucky 基本解释


    形容词不幸运的,倒霉的; 不吉祥的; 不顺利的; 不凑巧的

    unlucky 反义词


    反义词: lucky

    unlucky 相关例句


    1. I am unlucky enough to miss the last train.

    2. Some fishermen are unlucky.

    unlucky 网络解释

    1. 不幸:绝大多数词典上说无助是不幸(unlucky)的意思. 但词典解释的不咋地. 一个团队,曾经击败过它的对手,却因为一个错误决定而失败的话,可以被称为不幸,但不是无助. 无助意味着被动. 无助者被环境击打--被动遵循规则,而不是创造规则.

    2. 不幸运:紧接着他又想到:今天又是我值日(on duty),为何如此不幸运(unlucky)?说明他不想当值日生. 然后他看到某位漂亮的女生就开始想入非非了:我知道你很可爱(lovely),我也很想接近(closely)你、靠近你,但我还是有点害怕(fearly),

    3. unlucky是什么意思

    3. 不幸的:3、不要安静的如此响亮/Don't be silent so loudly | 4、不幸的/Unlucky | 5、黑夜一半 白天一半/Night in half day in half

    4. 为何如此:今天又是我duty, | 为何如此unlucky. | 我知你很lovely,

    1. 不幸的;运气不好的
        If someone is unlucky, they have bad luck.

        e.g. Owen was unlucky not to score on two occasions...
        e.g. Others were unlucky victims of falling debris.

    2. 令人不愉快的;令人遗憾的
        You can use unlucky to describe unpleasant things which happen to someone, especially when you feel that the person does not deserve them.

        e.g. ...Argentina's unlucky defeat by Ireland.

    3. 带来坏运气的;不吉利的
        Unlucky is used to describe something that is thought to cause bad luck.

        e.g. Some people think it is unlucky to look at a new moon through glass.


    1. 不幸的;运气不好的
        If someone is unlucky, they have bad luck.

        e.g. Owen was unlucky not to score on two occasions...
        e.g. Others were unlucky victims of falling debris.

    2. 令人不愉快的;令人遗憾的
        You can use unlucky to describe unpleasant things which happen to someone, especially when you feel that the person does not deserve them.

        e.g. ...Argentina's unlucky defeat by Ireland.

    3. 带来坏运气的;不吉利的
        Unlucky is used to describe something that is thought to cause bad luck.

        e.g. Some people think it is unlucky to look at a new moon through glass.

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