
  • upward

    英:[ˈʌpwəd]   美: [ˈʌpwərd] 

    upward 基本解释

    upward 同义词



    upward 反义词


    同义词: up

    upward 相关例句


    1. He would steal upward glances at the clock.


    1. The bird flew upward.

    2. Children of twelve years and upward must pay full fare.

    upward 网络解释

    1. 向上:我会说彻底的论述主张是一种向上(upward)的化约论,而不是像经济主义那样是一种向下的化约论. 情况似乎是这样的,在排拒一种粗糙的唯物主义时,X如Y一般运作的比喻被化约成X=Y. 这儿有着一个非常戏剧化的浓缩,它非常强烈地提醒我们理论的化约上义.

    2. upward

    2. 上升:货币紧缩影响有限中国宏观经济:软着陆(soft landing)中国股市:上升(upward)2007年底人民币汇率(兑美元):7.45最看好的行业:银行(banking sector)2007年中国宏观经济依然会保持高速上升态势,预测GDP增长率保持在9.5%.

    3. upward:upwd; 向上的

    1. 向上的
        An upward movement or look is directed towards a higher place or a higher level.


        e.g. She started once again on the steep upward climb...
        e.g. She gave him a quick, upward look, then lowered her eyes.

    2. 上升的;升高的
        If you refer to an upward trend or an upward spiral, you mean that something is increasing in quantity or price.

        e.g. ...the Army's concern that the upward trend in the numbers avoiding military service may continue...
        e.g. Oil prices continued an upward swing in New York this morning.


    1. 向上的
        An upward movement or look is directed towards a higher place or a higher level.


        e.g. She started once again on the steep upward climb...
        e.g. She gave him a quick, upward look, then lowered her eyes.

    2. 上升的;升高的
        If you refer to an upward trend or an upward spiral, you mean that something is increasing in quantity or price.

        e.g. ...the Army's concern that the upward trend in the numbers avoiding military service may continue...
        e.g. Oil prices continued an upward swing in New York this morning.

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