
  • us

    英:[əs]   美: [ʌs] 

    us 基本解释


    us 相关例句


    1. us

    1. Lend us your pen a minute.

    2. It's us.

    3. us的意思

    3. They met us at the station.

    4. Would you mind us playing here?

    5. us的反义词

    5. They helped us.

    Us is the first person plural pronoun. Us is used as the object of a verb or a preposition. us是第一人称复数形式,用作动词或介词的宾语。 词典解释

    Us is the first person plural pronoun. Us is used as the object of a verb or a preposition. us是第一人称复数形式,用作动词或介词的宾语。

    us 情景对话


    B:Do you offer any quantity discounts ?


    A:No, we don‘t.

    B:Then give us three cases of this .

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