
  • utmost

    英:[ˈʌtməʊst]   美: [ˈʌtmoʊst] 

    utmost 基本解释



    utmost 相关词组

    1. at the utmost : 至多;

    2. to the utmost : 极度;

    utmost 相关例句


    1. utmost在线翻译

    1. Conservation is of the utmost importance.

    2. We walked to the utmost edge of the woods.

    3. He did his utmost to stop his sister marrying that man.


    1. They have done their utmost to learn the techniques of production.

    utmost 网络解释

    1. utmost什么意思

    1. 极限的:utter说出;彻底的 | utmost极限的 | 90. undergo v. 经历,遭受


    2. 极限,竭尽所能:stainless steel 不锈钢 | utmost 极限,竭尽所能 | cost level 成本费用的水平

    3. 极度的:utmost fair dealing公平交易 | utmost极度的 | uttermost最大限度;极度的

    4. 极限:superstition 迷信 | utmost 极限 | interval 间隔

    1. 极度的;最大的
        You can use utmost to emphasize the importance or seriousness of something or to emphasize the way that it is done.

        e.g. It is a matter of the utmost urgency to find out what has happened to these people...
        e.g. Security matters are treated with the utmost seriousness...

    2. 极度;极限;最大可能
        If you say that you are doing your utmost to do something, you are emphasizing that you are trying as hard as you can to do it.


        e.g. He would have done his utmost to help her, of that she was certain...
        e.g. He will try his utmost to help them by means of his conventional medical knowledge.

    3. 尽力;极度
        If you say that something is done to the utmost, you are emphasizing that it is done to the greatest extent, amount, or degree possible.

        e.g. My limited diplomatic skills were tested to the utmost...
        e.g. The best plan is to continue to attack him to the utmost of our power.


    1. 极度的;最大的
        You can use utmost to emphasize the importance or seriousness of something or to emphasize the way that it is done.

        e.g. It is a matter of the utmost urgency to find out what has happened to these people...
        e.g. Security matters are treated with the utmost seriousness...

    2. 极度;极限;最大可能
        If you say that you are doing your utmost to do something, you are emphasizing that you are trying as hard as you can to do it.


        e.g. He would have done his utmost to help her, of that she was certain...
        e.g. He will try his utmost to help them by means of his conventional medical knowledge.

    3. 尽力;极度
        If you say that something is done to the utmost, you are emphasizing that it is done to the greatest extent, amount, or degree possible.

        e.g. My limited diplomatic skills were tested to the utmost...
        e.g. The best plan is to continue to attack him to the utmost of our power.

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