
  • vacuum

    英:[ˈvækjuəm]   美: [ˈvækjuəm] 

    vacuum 基本解释


    vacuum 相关例句


    1. I vacuumed my room yesterday.


    1. The porter turned off the vacuum.

    2. We could not pull apart two plates which enclosed a vacuum.

    3. vacuum的反义词

    3. Her death left a vacuum in his life.

    4. Her husband's death left a vacuum in her life.

    vacuum 网络解释

    2. 真空度:自动上料烘干机、液体灌装机、粉末灌装机、电焊设备、电影机械、纸张运送、干洗衣服、清洁用途、空气除尖、干瓶、气体传送、送料、收集等方面型号(Model)额定功率(Power)额定电源(Voltage)最大风压(Pressure)真空度(Vacuum)最大风量(Outp

    1. 空位;空缺;空白
        If someone or something creates a vacuum, they leave a place or position which then needs to be filled by another person or thing.

        e.g. The collapse of the army left a vacuum in the area...
        e.g. His presence should fill the power vacuum which has been developing over the past few days.

    2. 在封闭状态中;与外界隔绝
        If something is done in a vacuum, it is not affected by any outside influences or information.

        e.g. Moral values cannot be taught in a vacuum...
        e.g. We lived in a vacuum — no life, no news, no books.

    3. 用真空吸尘器打扫
        If you vacuum something, you clean it using a vacuum cleaner.

        e.g. I vacuumed the carpets today...
        e.g. It's important to vacuum regularly.

    4. 真空
        A vacuum is a space that contains no air or other gas.

        e.g. Wind is a current of air caused by a vacuum caused by hot air rising...
        e.g. The spinning turbine creates a vacuum.


    1. 空位;空缺;空白
        If someone or something creates a vacuum, they leave a place or position which then needs to be filled by another person or thing.

        e.g. The collapse of the army left a vacuum in the area...
        e.g. His presence should fill the power vacuum which has been developing over the past few days.

    2. 在封闭状态中;与外界隔绝
        If something is done in a vacuum, it is not affected by any outside influences or information.

        e.g. Moral values cannot be taught in a vacuum...
        e.g. We lived in a vacuum — no life, no news, no books.

    3. 用真空吸尘器打扫
        If you vacuum something, you clean it using a vacuum cleaner.

        e.g. I vacuumed the carpets today...
        e.g. It's important to vacuum regularly.

    4. 真空
        A vacuum is a space that contains no air or other gas.

        e.g. Wind is a current of air caused by a vacuum caused by hot air rising...
        e.g. The spinning turbine creates a vacuum.

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