
  • viewpoint

    英:[ˈvju:pɔɪnt]   美: [ˈvjuˌpɔɪnt] 

    viewpoint 基本解释

    名词视角; 观点,意见,角度; <物>视点

    viewpoint 相关例句


    1. This is entirely wrong from my viewpoint.

    viewpoint 网络解释

    1. 视点:一个架构描述由一个或者多个视图(view),视点(viewPoint),涉众(stakeholder),模型(model),关注点(concern)组成. 架构描述提供其基本原理(Rationale). 当使用 服务(Service) 作为系统组件来定义和搭建架构的时候,就是面向服务的体系结构(SOA)了.

    2. viewpoint

    2. 观察点:摄影机位置被称为视点(观察点)(Viewpoint). 屏幕坐标是x y坐标,它能够在计算机显示屏幕上报绘出来. 屏幕坐标也称为显示器(display)坐标,它是将影像面定标以适合显示屏幕的结果. 在这个3D操作过程中计算每组坐标都包括从矩阵数学导出的正弦(sine)和余弦(cosine)公式.

    3. 视角:这一点看起来十分可怕,因为在实践利益 (practical interest)的竞争(struggle)中,任何表达都可能是欺骗性的,而且有 关的解释在视角(viewpoint)转换之后会发生转变.

    1. 观点;看法;角度
        Someone's viewpoint is the way that they think about things in general, or the way they think about a particular thing.


        e.g. The novel is shown from the girl's viewpoint...
        e.g. To include as many viewpoints as possible, the editor reserves the right to shorten letters.

    2. 视角;角度;观察点
        A viewpoint is a place from which you can get a good view of something.


        e.g. You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint.


    1. 观点;看法;角度
        Someone's viewpoint is the way that they think about things in general, or the way they think about a particular thing.


        e.g. The novel is shown from the girl's viewpoint...
        e.g. To include as many viewpoints as possible, the editor reserves the right to shorten letters.

    2. 视角;角度;观察点
        A viewpoint is a place from which you can get a good view of something.


        e.g. You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint.

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