
  • void

    英:[vɔɪd]   美: [vɔɪd] 

    void 基本解释

    形容词无效的; 空的,空虚的,没人住的; (职位)空缺着的

    名词太空,宇宙空间; 空位,空隙; 空虚感,寂寞的心情

    及物动词使无效; 宣布…作废; 取消; 排泄

    void 相关例句


    1. void的近义词

    1. The position of secretary is void.

    2. That subject is void of interest.

    3. His style is void of affectation.


    1. void的意思

    1. The death of his dog left an aching void in the old man's heart.

    void 网络解释

    1. 空隙:b)圆角(nllet)对于焊点是指接合点的空隙间所露出焊料的部分. c)空隙(Void)在形成的焊点中,焊料没有遍及到的空洞.

    2. 空虚:15.空虚(Void)需要耗费大量的体力和法术,它也可能会造成狂暴一击. 16.远距法术(Archmage)在综合技能(天赋)树上的位置置顶. 17.邪恶坚毅(Unholy Fortitude)已大幅降低了狂怒爆发时间从原来的12秒降低到4秒.

    1. 空白;空虚感
        If you describe a situation or a feeling as a void, you mean that it seems empty because there is nothing interesting or worthwhile about it.

        e.g. His death has left a void in the cricketing world which can never be filled.
        e.g. ...an aching void of loneliness.

    2. 空间;真空;空虚
        You can describe a large or frightening space as a void .

        e.g. He stared into the dark void where the battle had been fought...
        e.g. The ship moved silently through the black void...

    3. 无价值的;无用的;无效的
        Something that is void or null and void is officially considered to have no value or authority.

        e.g. The original elections were declared void by the former military ruler...
        e.g. The agreement will be considered null and void.

    4. 缺乏的;没有的
        If you are void of something, you do not have any of it.

        e.g. He rose, his face void of emotion as he walked towards the door...
        e.g. The treaty is now void of absolute commitments.

    5. 使无效;宣布…作废;取消
        To void something means to officially say that it is not valid.

        e.g. The Supreme Court threw out the confession and voided his conviction for murder.


    1. 空白;空虚感
        If you describe a situation or a feeling as a void, you mean that it seems empty because there is nothing interesting or worthwhile about it.

        e.g. His death has left a void in the cricketing world which can never be filled.
        e.g. ...an aching void of loneliness.

    2. 空间;真空;空虚
        You can describe a large or frightening space as a void .

        e.g. He stared into the dark void where the battle had been fought...
        e.g. The ship moved silently through the black void...

    3. 无价值的;无用的;无效的
        Something that is void or null and void is officially considered to have no value or authority.

        e.g. The original elections were declared void by the former military ruler...
        e.g. The agreement will be considered null and void.

    4. 缺乏的;没有的
        If you are void of something, you do not have any of it.

        e.g. He rose, his face void of emotion as he walked towards the door...
        e.g. The treaty is now void of absolute commitments.

    5. 使无效;宣布…作废;取消
        To void something means to officially say that it is not valid.

        e.g. The Supreme Court threw out the confession and voided his conviction for murder.

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